Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Creative Digital Portfolios - I think this portfolio is professional looking because it is quite easy to navigate and also everything is easy to read and the whole site is switches between being dark and bright which makes me feel happy and light while looking at the information on the page, and doesn't bore me looking at the same colours and same font the whole time. - I think this portfolio is aesthetically pleasing because everything that's on the front page is well laid out and is easy to look at and navigate, also it's bright which makes me want to read it more. Furthermore it has a lot of pictures which show what the website is about. - I think this website is professional becuase it is well laid out and also if you want information on one of the pictures you can click it and it takes you straight to the information page, which I think shows that it is professional as it would've taken awhile to set up all of the pages.

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